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Senders' Lists Additions & Maintenance Feature Suggestio

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Joined: 17 Feb 2009
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Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:13 am    Post subject: Senders' Lists Additions & Maintenance Feature Suggestio Reply with quote

I would like to suggest the ability for the User to edit any additions to the Sender's White List before they are added to the list. This could be done by presenting the User with a form when they select an e-mail in the Spam folder and change it to "Not Spam". The form would allow the User to:

1) Decide whether to add either just the Sender's full e-mail address or the whole domain.

2) Fill in a Display name where there is not one in the incoming e-mail.

3) Select a folder to which the e-mail will be moved to from out of the Spam folder after they click on OK

This could also be applied in reverse to the Black List of Senders so that whole Domains could be barred and the form should be displayed when the User selects a Spam message in their Inbox and selects Spam

An additional refinement for both lists would be a sortable date modified field for each list entry so that users can more easily weed out either very old entries or check on recent changes to the list(s)

Is there a way of reporting duplicate addresses that in both the White and Black lists of senders?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Senders' Lists Additions & Maintenance Feature Sugge Reply with quote

Cycle wrote:
I would like to suggest the ability for the User to edit any additions to the Sender's White List before they are added to the list. This could be done by presenting the User with a form when they select an e-mail in the Spam folder and change it to "Not Spam". The form would allow the User to:

1) Decide whether to add either just the Sender's full e-mail address or the whole domain.

2) Fill in a Display name where there is not one in the incoming e-mail.

Thank you for the suggestion. One of the next versions will display a confirmation dialog after marking a message as spam or ham, but only in case if Shift key is pressed at the moment. It is possible to mark as spam or ham several messages simultaneously, and the plug-in can update the white and black lists automatically during autolearning, so having a confirmation dialog for each message is not convenient in these cases.

Cycle wrote:

3) Select a folder to which the e-mail will be moved to from out of the Spam folder after they click on OK

Unfortunately the plug-in is unable to move the messages between the folders, because TheBat doesn't allow this.

Cycle wrote:

An additional refinement for both lists would be a sortable date modified field for each list entry so that users can more easily weed out either very old entries or check on recent changes to the list(s)

By default the white and black lists are sorted by the time of adding a record, in descending order.

Cycle wrote:

Is there a way of reporting duplicate addresses that in both the White and Black lists of senders?

By default the plug-in removes the addresses from one list before adding them to another during training. But it doesn't remove the records with a wildcard ('*') in email address. The white list has a higher priority, so it is possible to detect the conflicts using the Filtering log. E.g. the messages from blacklisted sender will be classified as non-spam with the reason "friendly address" in case if the whitelist contains a corresponding record with wildcards, or a record with the same address was added manually.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the update

...will display a confirmation dialog after marking a message as spam or ham, but only in case if Shift key is pressed at the moment....
Could the User maybe set which method of operation they prefer as the default by selecting a switch in Options?

I noticed that ...
By default the white and black lists are sorted by the time of adding a record, in descending order...
However, what I am not sure about is how to restore that sort order once I have resorted the list by Domain when checking what other similar entries there are in the White List.

The cross checking of names on both lists was partly to ensure that lists are kept pruned. I know that I have clicked on the Not Spam button within The Bat when I intended to click on the Is Spam one (and vice versa) when reading my mail in a rush on my laptop using a touch pad rather than a mouse and thought that the address would end up being on both lists!
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Joined: 05 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cycle wrote:
...will display a confirmation dialog after marking a message as spam or ham, but only in case if Shift key is pressed at the moment....
Could the User maybe set which method of operation they prefer as the default by selecting a switch in Options?

Shift is already used in filtering log for sorting the list by several columns, so using the same key as a modifier doesn't look uncommon. Besides, there is no much difference between the modifier keys Shift, Ctrl or Alt. The pressed key is required simply to ensure that the update was initiated by the user, and he knows what he wants.

Cycle wrote:
I noticed that ...
By default the white and black lists are sorted by the time of adding a record, in descending order...
However, what I am not sure about is how to restore that sort order once I have resorted the list by Domain when checking what other similar entries there are in the White List.

It is possible to close the dialog with addresses and open it again. The plug-in doesn't remember the sorting order and always reset it to default.

Cycle wrote:
The cross checking of names on both lists was partly to ensure that lists are kept pruned. I know that I have clicked on the Not Spam button within The Bat when I intended to click on the Is Spam one (and vice versa) when reading my mail in a rush on my laptop using a touch pad rather than a mouse and thought that the address would end up being on both lists!

By default the plug-in updates both lists when you mark a message as spam or ham, so the described case is handled properly.
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